Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mel Gibson is dirt!!

I've been pretty sick the last week or so so i've had ALOT of time to just lay around and watch TV. The constant coverage of the Mel Gibson tapes has dominated the airwaves during the day lately.
I'm conflicted on how I think about his "tapes". I'm not conflicted in that I hate what he said. I find it beyond offensive and won't EVER spend $ to buy a ticket or rent a movie of his. I can't believe that he was such a great actor that I used to think he was one of the "good guys". Married for 30 years, 37 children by the same woman, blah blah blah.....
This has all brought up thoughts I haven't had to challenge in forever. Do I think of people in terms of their color? Their ethnicity? Their lot in life? I try not to. Are their old biases that may creep in when I'm not paying attention? Yeah, probably. But I will admit to be ashamed once it happens.
My world is richer for knowing people of all colors and ethnicities. I say that, knowing I live in "white bread" North Dallas where conformity and sameness is revered. There aren't that many opportunities around here to have alot of varied expereinces, but they are available.
I listened to Mel Gibson rant about groups of people as if they were soo far less than him. He expressed hatred for people simply because they belonged to a group that he deemed less than worthy. It was an ugly deep seated gut-rot hatred!
Of course we (or at least I) know that this thinking exists, but it's rare that we see it soo raw and exposed.
It was easier to identify these bigots when they wore white coned hats. Perhaps that should be the penalty Mel gets for threatening his girlfriend and beating on her. 30 days in a white coned hat while bagging groceries for the old ladies at the local Piggly Wiggly.
It makes me wonder where that deep seated bigotry comes from and will be ever be free of it?
I look at my kids..... I don't think they even see color like we did when I was younger. It doesn't occur to them that there may be repercussions for bringing home a black friend. Or a Mexican friend. I would of thought twice. OK, maybe 3-4 times and probably then remembered it wouldn't be a good idea. It was a different time.
Another thing that caused me angst this week with regard to the same MG issue.... Many "talking heads" wondered why the girlfriend would stay if he was so ugly to her? SERIOUSLY?? We are still having this discussion?? I was afraid for my TV today. It was in danger.
If I heard one more person/man say " If it was so bad....why did she stay?" I was going to have to reach thru the tv screen and pull his testicles out thru his ears!!!!!
Sometimes women HAVE to stay. At least until they can leave. Some have to save $. Some have to have a safe exit strategy. Others have kids to be concerned about. Insurance for a chronic illness?? WHO KNOWS!!! But these people asking why she stays??? UGH!! I almost lost it a few times today.
Whether it's race issues, or compassion for people in difficult circumstances I wish we were kinder. And more helpful.
Mel Gibson..... You don't owe me an explanation, but i'd hate to be you the day you meet your maker. It may be an uncomfortable day for you, Pal.
I'm going to try to "go organic".