Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Today was not a good day~

Grrrr... today was not a good day! I had to go for the deposition for an auto accident I had almost 3 years ago. (Nov 4, 2007) I was rear-ended and had some injuries to my left wrist, elbow and shoulder. 2 surgeries so far and another one to be done shortly. It's been a pain in the neck (pun intended).
Most of you know me, I'm pretty easy going and it takes ALOT to get me riled up. For the most part I've been a happy camper thru the last 2+ years. OK OK OK , I've whined abit and had occaissional bout of pissiness, but for the most part I've done what I've been told, when I've been told to do it, and my follow-thru was explemplary.
Many Dr's have been willing to treat me and do these surgeries with no payment yet, understanding that I was rear-ended and the case would eventually settle. UGH UGH UGH!!
So back to this morning.... I show up. The hitter's atty is there, the court reporter and my atty. Everyone exchanged pleasantries and the deposition began.
The questioning began...... What happened, where were you, which direction were you facing. Were you on drugs, drunk, on the phone. NO, HELL NO!!! What are/were your injuires, dates of your surgeries, names of the Dr's, therapists, etc. All very pleasantly asked by the hitters defense atty with a smile. I was really beginning to like her.
It all lasted a few hours, not too bad. I had been warned it might go 6 hours.
The last question the hitter's defense atty asked me was, "have I been pleasant and polite in conducting this deposition? Yeah, you you've been very polite and considerate, I say. She thanked me. I thanked her back.
One final question she says.......... What would your response be if my client says he never hit you? There was no "accident"?
GRRRRRRRRR... She hit my achilles heel, my sore spot! You may not like what I say, and you may not like how I say it. But don't ever assume I have lied to you. I don't lie!!
Will I tell you that the blouse looks good when it makes you look like a plum on steroids? Yeah, maybe if I know it would hurt your feelings. But I wouldn't say, "It's spectacular, you should of bought it in 3 colors!" I am not beyond trying to spare your feelings if it can be helped. But sometimes the truth is hurtful and neccesary.
The idea that I'd lie about being in a traffic accident 3 years ago and continue a "charade" is beyond explanation. That I'd take advantage of the kindness of Dr's to perform surgeries and trick them into treating me for something that didn't happen ticked me off!! I AM NOT LYING! and for her to insinuate that I am was beyond my limit.
Would I make up crap to hurt you, or take advantage of you. NO, HELL NO!!!
You can call me names, you can judge my character, you can avoid me if i'm unpleasant, but don't EVER call me a liar!!
I would of liked to rip her tonsils out thru her nostrils this morning. And it takes ALOT to rile me up.
Considering that I was never in this accident, you know... the one that never happened?... I wish someone could explain the injuries to me and why I have this chronic pain.
You may not like what I say, but I don't lie. More than that, I don't like the assumption that I do. I have given up very dear relationships where I was lied to. I have no need for liars in my life. I wouldn't even have a relationship with me, if i lied. How's that?
For many years I lied to everyone. Mostly I lied to myself. I'm done with that!! I can deal with any truth. ANY TRUTH!! I can't deal with ANY lies! And for all my efforts I refuse to be called a liar by ANYONE!! Even the hitter's defense atty who can make my life hell with a poor outcome of this trial.
Today was not a good day!
Tomorrow will be better, i'm sure.
I will write a happy blog tomorrow when this one has been forgotten.
I don't like to eat much meat.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry it was so difficult, angering and frustrating. They know what buttons to push. Tomorrow will be better. Don't let them take any happiness out of your life, not even an hour. They have already taken enough.
