Friday, June 3, 2011

Choosing how you die is the ultimate liberty.

Jack Kervorkian died today. I doubt there is anyone over 21 that doesn't recognize his name. Dr Kevorkian fought hard for our right to the greatest liberty of all. Choosing how we die.
I've been furious at the radio today. Unfortunately here in DFW there aren't alot of varied talk radio stations. They all suck! They are all card carrying conservatives/republicans on the airways here. I'm not.
Today on the radio most of the discussion was spent assailing Dr Kevorkian, this man who fought for MY right to decide when I've had enough or when MY pain has become unbearable/uncontrollable. Dr Kevorkian fought for MY choice to decide when the end is welcomed.
These same "conservatives" have no problem taking a life when we call it "war". It seems to be ok if we take someone elses live, but to take our own.....OH NO~ that's unacceptable? Against the rules of nature? Yeah, maybe, but so is killing someone else because you think they are wrong or in your way for political reasons. Innocent bystanders, women and children are killed in wars all the time, but it's ok because it's a necessary evil of war. Shit happens, right??
We are allowed to take our own life as long as we do it according to the rules. We can buy cigarettes as long as the state can make a profit on it. It's a slow death and sanctioned by the state, but a certain death according to the statistics. That's different~
We can buy alcohol or drugs and kill ourselves that way as long as they are taxed. Legalized and taxed seems to be the key. Quick and intentional is not. That's different.
I bet suicide would be legalized if we could find a way to tax it. By the way, Suicide is illegal?? What moron spent time and money to pass that bill?? The penalty to kill yourself is what? A Fine? Jail time? Community service? Geeesh! What a waste of time and ink to write that law. DOPES!!
Why is it ok and morally acceptable to euthanize a dog if the pain and quality of life has become untolerable and we are convinced that it is in the dog's best interest? How do we square that? My vet recently told me that we may need to consider Abby's "quality of life and our ability to control her pain". Euthanasia might need to be considered, he said. That's different~
Somehow we are able to extend compassion to an animal but deny it for ourselves and our loved ones. That's different?
I appreciate all Dr Kevorkian tried to accomplish for us. I know the costs were high and I hope he knew his efforts were appreciated. He fought to bring dignity to the deathbed.
I may never choose this option. I pray I never need to. But would I want that choice to be mine? ABSOLUTELY!
For those that tell me it's against the will of God. I will work out the details with Him on my judgement day. I will ask Him how come it's ok to kill someone else? How come it's justified for all those different reasons we've accumulated..... war, death penalty, cost overrides...? How come it's ok when it's done "for cause". But not when it's by MY choice?
I don't understand that hypocrisy. I don't think I want to understand it. I don't like it. I don't like the rationalization that it requires. I think it blows!
Dr Kevorkian died in a hospital, hooked up to machines. It was probably his worse nightmare and I think it's fair to assume against his wishes. I read that he was too weak and unable to protest in the end. A sad irony.
Let this be my warning to everyone!! Don't pull that shit on me! If I can't talk or participate in my own end care...... and you'all leave me hooked up to a bunch of wires and crap, i'll come back to haunt the livin' daylights out of you! GOT IT???
Dr Kevorkian may not of been sucessful in the end to change the laws and how we think about death. But we certainly know who he is and what he believed. I respect that about him.

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