Saturday, May 29, 2010

Welcome to my blog.....

HI EVERYONE! I'm joining the world of bloggers for a number of reasons! I have alot to say and I really think your lives will be better for hearing my thots. :0) It's just the kind of friend I am, ya know!! Besides....somedays while doing my work or driving I get these thots. They are random and often not connected to anything particular, but they drive me nutty. They stick in my head and won't go away. They stay with me thru the night and often are still there in the morning when I wake up and I'm stuck with them until they are replaced with a new, often random thot. SOOOO... I thot if i could give them a forum or a vehicle to get out of my head and onto a screen they would leave me alone sooner. It's worth a try, right?
Some days I will also share with you stuff that makes my life richer (or more comical). Things you might enjoy or would miss if you didn't know I told you. For example......Kim bought lunch at Whataburger today and while that isn't news shattering it made me happy! It was only the 3rd hamburger I've had in almost 3 years!! IT WAS NEWS!! And yummy!
But mostly today I am preoccupied with the oil mess in the gulf! For years I've been aware of the enviroment and our effect on it. Not real aware, but aware enough where I know that littering is bad, putting oil down the gutter is frowned upon. I know that the six pack rings hurt the dolphins and that I shouldn't pee in the ocean.
When I shop, I try to be careful about the products I buy. Bio-degradeable this, Eco-friendly that. I do what I can as one person. I was always pretty proud of myself for recyling (but lately I've been real lazy).
When I watch the news and see that oil spewing and the vast amount of chemicals dumped in the ocean to "help" the problem it makes me sad. It makes me sad that I didn't think more of the oceans before this. That I didn't pay more attention to them before they needed our help to heal. Will they ever heal? What about the people of the Gulf that depend on these seas for their livihood and life style? And the Pelicans!! I wish I had the power to make it ok for them. I wish we didn't have this crappy dependence on oil!
I love Maya Angelou's poetry. Till next time, Karen


  1. I will also not pee in the ocean. I swear.

  2. Great and hope you enjoy it. I have been doing one for about 2 months. Check mine out.

  3. Geesh. You're a lot of trouble, did you know that? I forgot I had a Google account, couldn't remember the password, and had to go through all that mess I can follow your thoughts. That's just the kind of friend I am, ya know. ;o) I'm impressed that you're learning to blog. I have no idea how.

  4. Jan, I spent HOURS today trying to figure it out. I really didn't know you had to get a Google account to read it tho. I'll do my best to make it worth your efforts! LOL

  5. Karen, welcome to the world of blogging!. It should be exactly what you need to get those repetitive thoughts out of your head. :) Also, by seeing your thoughts in writing, it adds clarity. Sharing your blog with others is a gift, the gift of yourself.
    By viewing your posts through the distance of time, it allows you to see how far you have come. How much you have grown. Sometimes that is hard for us to see without it being in writing; without a way to measure.
    I started my blog about 2 years ago and I found my voice. The address is: Working 2 jobs, I don't have a lot of time to write. Something kept saying to me "write what you know" It took awhile to figure it out, but I absolutely love it. Serious, funny and in-between it just seems to write itself.
    Have a wonderful time with it. You are off to a great start.
    Oh, you don't have to have an account to read your blog if it is a blogspot blog. I have several followers who don't have accounts. You do need an account to post a comment though. I found your blog at: without signing in.
    Take care,
